What Are the Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants?

Poor air quality is something you might encounter daily. While you have little control over outdoor pollution, you can take the necessary steps to maintain clean indoor air quality. Environmental pollutants can negatively impact your home’s comfort and health. You can make your home a sanctuary by improving indoor air quality. Here are some common home pollutants that often compromise the quality of air in your home.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless, and heavy gas. The presence of high levels of this gas in your house is fatal. It would be wise to install carbon monoxide detectors to alert you when your indoor air has high levels of this pollutant. A functional furnace can also help eliminate the heavy and odorless gas if your home lacks sufficient sealing.
Your indoor air is polluted if someone smokes pipes or cigars. Cigarettes contain chemicals and compounds from tobacco that heavily contaminate indoor air. You can remove these pollutants using deep-media filters or high-quality air filtration. Consider using such methods to purify your indoor air and keep it smoke-free.
Pet Dander
Pet dander is a common indoor air pollutant in homes with pets. It becomes an issue because its small size makes it difficult for air filters to filter out effectively. Pet dander can make your home uncomfortable and cause itchy and watery eyes, eczema, and respiratory infections.
Smoke can accumulate in your indoor air if you use alternative heating sources like a wood stove, coal, and wood pallets. Smoke entails a complex combination of microscope particles and gases produced by burning wood. The particulate matter in smoke poses a health threat. While you can use wood for cooking and warmth, it can emit harmful smoke if your house is poorly ventilated. You can reduce health risks from wood smoke by replacing old wood stoves with cleaner technology. Another effective way of reducing lung-damaging particles in your indoor air is to use furnace filtration and air purification techniques.
Dust Mites
Dust mites can quickly build-up and contaminate your home when there’s dust. Unfortunately, you might not notice dust mites because they are invisible. They thrive in humid surroundings. Dust mites in your home can cause itchy eyes, running noses and trigger asthma attacks.
It is a mineral fiber naturally occurring in soil and rocks. Asbestos is commonly used in roofing shingles, insulation, and fire retardant due to its heat resistance and robust features. However, asbestos can be an indoor air pollutant because exposure to this component increases your risk of mesothelioma and lung disease.
Pesticides control rodents, insects, termites, and pests, making them very toxic. They are a common indoor air pollutant. Pesticides are common in most households, and long-term exposure to pesticides can cause long-term and short-term effects. Some of the effects include nose and throat irritation and damage to the central nervous system.
Mold and Mildew
Mold thrives in a humid environment. Since most homes are tightly sealed, basements and crawlspaces are prone to mold and mildew infestation. Mold can cause shortness of breath, asthma attacks, and coughing. You can get rid of this common indoor air pollutant through proper ventilation. Insects, bacteria, pet saliva, and viruses are also part of biological indoor air pollutants.
Pollen is expected, especially in the summer and spring. It can be a serious indoor air pollutant for people with allergies. Some signs your indoor air is contaminated with pollen may include watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, and congestion. It would be wise to pay attention to the pollen count in the neighborhood and be cautious when the levels increase in your home.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Some liquids and solids emit some VOCs. Some everyday household products like cleansers, moth repellants, wood preservatives, air fresheners, and paints emit VOCs to your indoor air. Volatile Organic Compounds entail a combination of several chemicals that can have long and short-term effects on your health. If you experience frequent headaches for no reason and throat and eye irritation, it could be due to VOCs accumulation in your home. The compounds eventually damage your kidney, central nervous system, and liver.
Rely on The Experts
You can talk to our indoor air experts if you notice any of these common indoor air pollutants. We have experienced and skilled professionals to improve your indoor air quality to protect your health and home comfort. Palm Desert’s residents can also rely on us for heating repair, green energy solutions, AC installation and maintenance, and outdoor fireplaces. Contact Breeze Air Conditioning today to learn more about indoor air pollutants.
Tags: Common, Pollutants