October 10, 2023

4 Ways to Handle a Damaged HVAC Capacitor

The HVAC system in your Palm Desert, CA home has energy demands that regularly exceed your electrical system’s output. To overcome this, each of its motors has its own capacitor. HVAC capacitors use electromagnetic energy fields to store energy up and then supply it in one tremendous boost. They also regulate energy delivery throughout heating and cooling cycles to keep furnaces and air conditioners running smoothly. If one or more of your HVAC capacitors ever stops working, the following are four things that you can do. 1. Look for the Symptoms Hardwired directly into your home’s electrical system, HVAC capacitors aren’t safe to troubleshoot or repair without the proper training and experience. Unfortunately, if your capacitor goes out, there’s very little that you can do to safely resolve the problem on your own. Moreover, given that do-it-yourself capacitor repairs would require you to open the service panel and tamper with important components, tackling this job yourself could void your HVAC manufacturer’s warranty. It can also void any HVAC system protections provided by your home insurance policy and your home service agreement. However, you can make an educated guess whether this is where your problem lies. Your might have a bad...

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