February 4, 2021

Signs Of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The invisible hazard of poor air quality can negatively affect your comfort and health. It might not be easy to tell when indoor air quality is compromised because air is invisible. Fortunately, you can look out for these signs to know when you have poor indoor air quality so that you can take action to make your home comfortable and avoid health problems. Breathing Stale Air You might start to breathe stuffy or stale air in your house if you run the air conditioner frequently. That is an obvious sign of poor indoor air quality. You might notice this sign because you have not introduced clean and fresh air into the building for some time. It could be due to a faulty air conditioner since the unit is responsible for introducing clean air indoors. Cold Symptoms That Don’t Go Away Poor indoor air quality causes several signs that you might mistake for flu or cold. Some of the signs include sneezing, irritated throat and eyes, dizziness, and nausea. You might not be dealing with a cold if several people in the house experience these symptoms for more than a week. Do the discomfort and signs worsen when you’re indoors as...

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January 21, 2021

What are the best plants for indoor air quality?

Houseplants can make a room look more cheerful and complement a range of decor styles. But did you know that they can also help improve your home’s indoor air quality? Believe it or not, some plants have actually been shown to help filter air and leave you with cleaner and purer air for your home. Keep reading to learn which plants in Palm Desert you may want to consider adding to your space. Peace Lily Peace lilies were identified by NASA as one of the most effective indoor plants to purify air. They are able to break down carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde and other toxic gases. After breaking them down, the peace lily will neutralize these toxic substances, leaving your air cleaner and safer to breath. Peace lilies are gorgeous plants that could make a nice addition to any room in your home. They do best with indirect sunlight, so you won’t want to put them right in front of a window. If you see any yellow leaves on your peace lily, it’s a sign that the plant is getting too much sunlight and should be moved to a different area in the home. If you have pets in your...

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June 13, 2020

Does My Humidifier Need Maintenance

In extremely dry climates, a humidifier is a lifesaver. It adds moisture to the air that allows you to enjoy the comfort of your home without worry of allergies or coughing. However, humidifiers don’t last forever. Over their lifespan, they can break down or show signs of wear and tear. While a broken humidifier might still be able to run, it’s not operating at maximum efficiency. It could also be costing you money by consuming more than its fair share of electricity. Let’s take a look at whether your humidifier needs maintenance. It’s Inoperative If your humidifier isn’t working at all, it definitely needs maintenance. First, you could remove the lid to see if you can detect the problem. However, it can be difficult to make any progress if you aren’t experienced with these sorts of devices. Once your humidifier is broken, there’s a very slim chance that it will randomly start working again. Toggling the switch off and on and jiggling the stand only fixes loose connections that aren’t common in humidifiers. You’re better off seeking repair right away so that you can use it again as soon as possible. It’s Leaking Water If water is leaking from your...

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April 15, 2020

Are UV Air Purifiers Worth It?

When people think of air pollution, they usually envision smog-filled cities. However, the impacts of indoor air pollution shouldn’t be overlooked. The pollutants found in indoor air and dust can cause or exacerbate respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases and more. If you’re a homeowner concerned about indoor air quality, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk for exposure. It’s important to keep your home clean and well-ventilated. You may also want to invest in air purification technology, like a UV air purifier. The following are several factors to consider when purchasing an air purifier. Traditional Air Purifiers Traditional air purifiers use filters and fans to draw in air, capture particles and pollutants, and release clean air. To maintain good performance, the filters in these purifiers, which are made of materials like mesh, fiber or paper, need to be replaced regularly. Traditional air purifiers are best for filtering particles like pollen and dust, and they are less successful at capturing potentially hazardous gases and volatile organic compounds. UV Air Purifiers UV air purifiers use ultraviolet light technology to control the spread of viruses and other harmful organisms. Ultraviolet light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with germicidal properties....

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February 16, 2020

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?

To improve your home’s air quality, you first need to know what is negatively impacting it. People bring things into their home not realizing that they can destroy the quality of indoor air. Here are some of the most common culprits: Household Cleaning Supplies Conventional household cleaning supplies emit gases and pollutants that can lead to health problems. These include headaches, asthma, and other respiratory illnesses. You should buy eco-friendly cleaning products or simply use vinegar to clean most things. Polyurethane This chemical is used in wood furniture, floors, and mattresses. It’s sprayed on to prevent water damage, but it is a respiratory toxin. Biphenyl and Polychlorinated Biphenyl These two chemicals are used on many products that have plastic, including furniture, computer monitors, and TV sets. These chemicals are used to prevent fires, but, unfortunately, they often end up in the air people breathe. Cigarette Smoke Cigarettes have about 200 poisons in them. Smoking causes these poisons to disperse across your home. If you must smoke, do so outside. of Palm Desert sells and installs Daikin systems. These systems purify your home’s air so that indoor air is as fresh as that outdoors. Mold and Mildew If your home’s air...

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