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    mini splitsMini-splits in Rancho Mirage, CA, may be what’s needed for your home, even if you already own a central AC. Perhaps, like many other homeowners, you want an outbuilding cooled, but your current system can’t reach it. A ductless air conditioner is the answer. Maybe you had a room addition built and don’t want to go through the hassle of installing more ductwork. Or, is your home historically valuable so you can’t alter the structure too much, as would happen if you installed ducts? To all of these situations, mini-splits provide the solution.

    Mini-splits are heat pumps, so they cool your home simply by moving heat from the indoors to the outdoors. They do this through a chemical called refrigerant, which travels back and forth between the air handler and the compressor via piping. Heat pumps both heat and cool. Remember, though, that the ductless kind only have enough power to keep a single room comfortable.

    Benefits of Rancho Mirage Mini-Splits

    Though they come with a high up-front cost, mini-splits can actually save Rancho Mirage residents a lot of money in the long run. First of all, they can last up to 30 years. Compare this to the average 15 to 20 years that you get with a ducted system. Second, they can cut down your monthly utility bill significantly.

    Here’s why:
    • No ducts to let the cool air escape
    • Features like directional airflow
    • Variable-speed technology
    • A thermostat for each air handler

    Even well-sealed ducts can let air seep out before reaching its destination, but a mini-split delivers all its cool air. Adding to that energy efficiency is the mini-split’s ability to vary its speed, slowing down rather than shutting off once it has reached the set point. This eliminates the energy waste and the wear and tear that come with switching the system on and off. Directional airflow enhances things by letting you aim that cool air right onto yourself.

    Multi-zone cooling is what you’ll get with multiple thermostats in your home. Each occupant can have the temperature he or she feels most comfortable with, and unused rooms don’t need to be cooled at all.

    Mini Split services are also provided in:

    Ductless Air Conditioner Experts

    For over 40 years, Breeze Air Conditioning has been installing, repairing, and maintaining ductless air conditioner systems in Rancho Mirage. We can send out one of our highly trained, NATE-certified heating and cooling technicians for a consultation. Installation estimates are also free of charge.

    Take advantage of our flexible schedule and call Breeze Air Conditioning today for a ductless air conditioner in Rancho Mirage!